Tuesday February 16, 2021, Rebecca Hardcastle Wright Exo-conscious Humans: Claiming Psychic Intelligence, Exo-consciousness is a natural state seeded in our ancient and innate cosmic consciousness. Rebecca Hardcastle Wright emphasizes the significant role of Exo-conscious Humans in our personal and planetary future. She offers nothing less than a solution for stepping outside our limited view of humans and into an expansive and available intelligence and creativity. Throughout the book, she shares her background in psychic experiences and her voyage into the curious artificial world of trans-humanism. A central tenet of the book is that Exo-conscious Humans are essential for the survival and advancement of human consciousness. The author poses two critical questions: 1) are psychic abilities possible in a Trans-human culture and 2) could artificial intelligence (AI) suppress or replace natural human consciousness? A compelling rationale for reading Exo-conscious Humans is the potential impact of AI Trans-humanism on psychic intelligence and abilities. Chapter organization has three sections: (1) Exo-conscious Human, (2) Trans-human, and (3) Common Ground. The book provides an even-handed, formally referenced comparison of Exo-conscious Humans and Trans-humans, describing their perspectives of humans, consciousness, science, and culture. Pre-recorded lecture will be posted soon.
Tuesday January 19, 2020, 7:30 pm, ZOOM presentation with Q and A. Film makers Jennifer and Bob will describe a current film project about unusual Mexican artifacts owned by Victor Comacho “Areological Prohibido” - Spanish for “Prohibited Archeology” Bob Terrio and Jennifer Stein will describe a film project they are researching and working on, about unusual ancient Mexican stone artifacts unearthed from remote caves in 5 different regional areas of Mexico over the last 60 years. Most of the caves were near ruins of older villages and towns populated in the remote past. The artifacts are controversial in both Mexico and around the world with few mainstream archeologist and academic institutions willing to explore their meaning or analyze radiocarbon 14 date testing done in three reputable scientific laboratories. Some of stone artifacts are assembled with key accent stones glued into place using organic glue-like materials used at the time of their creation. These accent pieces, like eyes, or lips, or earrings, can be carefully removed, and the organic glue materials can be carbon dated. The dates suggest these artifacts were made at a time long before the known Mayan, Aztec, Toltec or Zapatista civilizations existed. Bob Terrio and Jennifer Stein will discuss these artifacts after a short film screening on line via zoom, sharing pictures and descriptions of their meeting with Victor Camacho and his wife Gladiz in Utah in February of 2019. We will watch a short version of the film and share a short power point and have a Q and A with Bob Terrio and Jennifer Stein. This will all be done live on January 17th Zoom call. Sign up for our Zoom meeting reminders and links to our presentations.
Watch our new video Tuesday, September 15th, 2020, 7:30 pm, ZOOM Q and A on her presentation, “Space Travel: Exploring Possibilities.” Annabella, a graduate of the Resonance Science Foundation, along with 160 other graduates of the Connected Universe Physics Course traveled the sacred valley of Peru, Machu Pichu/Cuzco in the Peruvian Andes Mountains and Teotihuacan, Mexico. The group activates the power vortexes at these sites and communicates with the ancient architects using powerful ARK Crystal technology, rituals, chanting, and meditation. Rev. Annabella Wood is "the quantum-physic musing, singing/song writing, handy-woman, minister Truck Driving Mama!" She is a certified facilitator of the writer and teacher Byron Katie, and was a friend and student of Byron Katie for 14 years before moving to PA. Her experience with and facilitation skills of “The Work of Byron Katie” are second to none in the Philadelphia area. She is an instructor and graduate of the “Circle of Miracles School of Ministry” where she is also an ordained interfaith minister. She holds her BS in "The Metaphysics of Quantum Physics.” Currently, she is studying her master’s degree in Holistic Theology. Annabella is a gifted speaker and presenter who shares an emerging new understanding that once we become aware and take control of our own thoughts and emotions, we can dramatically change the world we live in.
Cancelled Event: See Above: March 17, 2020, 6:30 pm You can stream this film at this location for $2.99
“Calling All Earthlings” A recently released documentary film about the legendary George Van Tassle recounting Van Tassel’s famous UFO gathering events in the early 1960‘s, in the Nevada dessert near Giant Rock. George built a unique building designed to increase human resonance fields and increase wellness and higher consciousness is called the “Integratron.” “Calling all Earthlings” by Johnathan Berman recounts an important historic time documenting an early pioneer who believed it was important to educate humanity that we are not alone in the universe. George’s motivation was spearheaded when he came face to face with a visitor from another world who served as his teacher, guide, and friend for many years, after their meeting near Giant Rock, Nevada. The film is 74 minutes long. A possible Skype interview with film producer Jonathan Berman after the screening is in discussion. We are grateful to Jonathan Berman for offering his film to use to screen.
Tuesday, January 21, 2020, 6:30 pm Double feature film night: Two On- hour film screenings about historic individuals no longer with us and the special contributions they made exploring the impact Alien contact has had on mankind.
Touched - A Film about John Mack, by Laurel Chiten. This film features in depth interviews with “experiencers” that worked closely with John Mack to better understand their experiences and how these experiences effected their lives in profoundly important ways. The film offers a uniquely contemplative perspective on the Alien abduction phenomenon and presents the experiencers and their stories with sensitivity, respect, and without judgement. This is a one-hour film.
2nd feature: Documentary film about Dr. Rodger Leir. “The scientific study of Alien Implants.” This documentary film features Dr. Leir, a podiatrist, who for 20 years surgically removed strange objects from patients’ feet, angels, and legs sending these objects to laboratories for evaluation. The results were stunning and remain controversial to this day. Dr. Leir died in 2016. This is also a one-hour film. Directions: Tredyffrin Township Public Library-582 Upper Gulph Road, Strafford, PA 19087 www.MainLineMufon.com, a non profit educational organization coordinated by Mutual UFO Network State Section Rep Jennifer Stein, 610-613-0088. Click here Directions link for directions and a map to the Tredyffrin Public Library.
Tuesday Feburary 18, 2020, 6:30 pm Film :”Calling Earth” by Daniel Drasin Filmmaker Dan Drasin has worked for years on a documentary entitled “Calling Earth.” The Documentary’s focus is upon contacting deceased individuals using electronic devices, or as we know it, ITC. Calling Earth probes the puzzling phenomenon of Instrumental Trans-communication — apparent messages from the “other side” received through modern electronic and photographic devices. “ITC” has been well documented by researchers at least as far back as the 1950s when tape recorders first became available to the general public and unexplained voices began to show up in people’s recordings. For more information: http://itcvoices.org/calling-earth-an-itc-documentary/or https://macyafterlife.com/2013/05/11/calling-earth-a-landmark-afterlife-documentary/
Directions: Tredyffrin Township Public Library-582 Upper Gulph Road, Strafford, PA 19087 www.MainLineMufon.com, a non profit educational organization coordinated by Mutual UFO Network State Section Rep Jennifer Stein, 610-613-0088. Click here Directions link for directions and a map to the Tredyffrin Public Library.
Tuesday September 21, 2021, 7:30 pm, ZOOM presentation followed by live Q and A with Paul Eno, Strange Connections: Ghosts, UFOs and Cryptids Radio Host of Behind the Paranormal and author - MORE STRANGE CONNECTIONS: UFOs, CRYPTIDS and GHOSTS (with Paul Eno). In a combined 57 years of investigating paranormal phenomena, father-son researchers, authors and broadcasters Paul & Ben Eno have wondered why probes of reported haunted houses often lead to UFO cases, experiences with Bigfoot, and even encounters with outlandish life forms that have no label as yet. They’ve wondered even more why the military keeps turning up. By 2005 they had learned to investigate whole areas rather than just one location and/or family. The results have been stunning, and ongoing cases such as the Litchfield County, Connecticut, paranormal flap and the new Pennsylvania Triangle investigation keep racking up new data. It all lends credence to their contention: “Explaining the paranormal is not the problem. It’s handing the explanations.”. Find out more about Paul's work at